Casey Luskin Scientist and Public Defender of ID


academic freedom antibiotic resistance biodiversity cells censorship change over time defining intelligent design defining science DNA enzymes evidence evidence for evolution evidence for intelligent design experimental research explanatory power fact-checking fine-tuning fossil record Galactic Habitable Zone heuristic hypothesis icons of evolution intentionality junk DNA Kenneth Miller Kitzmiller v. Dover macroevolution microevolution neo-Darwinism proteins research program scientific integrity scientific predictions scientific theory specified complexity state of id straw man strengths and weaknesses tailbone teaching evolution teaching intelligent design teach the controversy the design hypothesis Tiktaalik transitional forms
pcr strip laboratory
PCR strip in genetic laboratory
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The Science Behind Intelligent Design Theory

Intelligent design is a scientific theory which has its roots in information theory and observations about intelligent action. Intelligent design theory makes inferences based upon observations about the types of complexity that can be produced by the action of intelligent agents vs. the types of information that can be produced through purely natural processes to infer that life was designed by an intelligence or multiple intelligences. It makes no statements about the identity of the intelligent designer(s), but merely says that intelligent action was involved at some points with the origins of various aspects of biological life. Intelligent design begins with observations about the types of information that we can observe produced by intelligent agents in the real world. Even Read More ›

battery test
Checking voltage with multimeter and charging car battery with charger from home electricity. Recovery of acid batteries, resuscitate car battery. Voltmeter to check voltage level on car battery.

How Can We Positively Test Intelligent Design?

The theory of intelligent design is a hypothesis that can be positively tested. Intelligent design begins with observations of how intelligent agents act when designing things. Read More ›
seedling dead trea
New Life concept with seedling growing sprout (tree).business de
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Intelligent Design in Resurgence Just Ten Years After Damning Dover Decision

In December 2005, a federal judge in Pennsylvania declared intelligent design (ID) a “religious viewpoint” that is unconstitutional to teach in public schools. Predictably, critics who backed the Kitzmiller v. Dover lawsuit jubilantly declared the “death” of ID. Now that we’re approaching the ten year anniversary of the case, we can count on the media to again proclaim a great triumph for Darwinian evolution and secularism. Reality, however, is very different. The Dover ruling was full of errors of fact and law. It badly misdefined intelligent design and ignored peer-reviewed papers and research by ID scientists. One leading anti-ID legal scholar, Boston University law professor Jay Wexler, called the judge’s arguments that ID isn’t science “unnecessary, unconvincing, not particularly suited to the judicial role, …


Hominid Hype and Homo Naledi

Whenever a new hominin fossil is discovered, the newsmedia eagerly seizes the opportunity to go on a crusade for Darwin. The Internet is thus currently buzzing about the discovery of a new species, Homo naledi, represented by hundreds of bones found in a cave near Johannesburg, South Africa. The find is spectacular to be sure because it represents such large cache of hominin bones. In a field where a single scrap of jaw gets everyone excited, this is a big deal. But do we know that Homo naledi is the “human ancestor” that CNN, PBS, NBC, and many others are calling it? Dig into the details, and the answer is “no.” The main claim about Homo naledi is that it is a small-brained (compared to humans) hominin with a trunk similar Read More ›

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A Tale of Two Mountains

ID is in the business of trying to discriminate between strictly naturally/materially caused objects on the one hand, and intelligently caused objects on the other. Read More ›
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MRI scans of the lumbosacral spine

Defenders Of The Evolutionary ‘Consensus’ Could Benefit From More Fact Checking

From altered images of human babies with tails to bogus claims about transitional fossils and junk DNA, Darwin-advocates are promoting false information to the public. Read More ›
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Close-up of a megaphone held by a woman during a demonstration.

Heckler’s Veto: Latest Tool To Suppress Dissent From Darwinism On College Campuses

Many Americans find their introduction to the debate over evolution by watching Inherit the Wind, a movie based upon the Scopes Trial from 1925 which casts Darwin-skeptics as constantly trying to shut down scientific discussion. Today, in 2013, the situation is very different — what Justice Scalia once called “Scopes-in-reverse.” Academic freedom is now threatened for credible scientists to teach and publish dissent from neo-Darwinian theory. I’m not talking about Uncle Joe who runs the Bible-science museum out in Montana. And I am not merely complaining about a lack of academic freedom at the high school level. I’m talking about scientists who work at, and hold Ph.D.’s from, the same research establishments as leading evolutionary biologists. Some of the most prominent Read More ›

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3D rendering of abstract blocks of mathematical formulas located in the virtual space

How Do We Know Intelligent Design Is a Scientific “Theory”?

ID is a theory of design detection, and it proposes intelligent agency as a mechanism causing biological change. ID allows us to explain how aspects of observed biological complexity, and other natural complexity, arose. And it uses the scientific method to make its claims. Read More ›