Casey Luskin Scientist and Public Defender of ID

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academic freedom antibiotic resistance biodiversity cells censorship change over time defining intelligent design defining science DNA enzymes evidence evidence for evolution evidence for intelligent design experimental research explanatory power fact-checking fine-tuning fossil record Galactic Habitable Zone heuristic hypothesis icons of evolution intentionality junk DNA Kenneth Miller Kitzmiller v. Dover macroevolution microevolution neo-Darwinism proteins research program scientific integrity scientific predictions scientific theory specified complexity state of id straw man strengths and weaknesses tailbone teaching evolution teaching intelligent design teach the controversy the design hypothesis Tiktaalik transitional forms
scientist collecting water
Woman scientist environmentalist sitting near the creek. She taking sample of water
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Does Intelligent Design Help Science Generate New Knowledge?

When dealing with historical sciences like neo-Darwinian evolution or intelligent design, new knowledge takes the form of both practical insights into the workings of biology in the present day. Read More ›
darwin statue galapagos
darwin statue at san cristobal galapagos islands

Darwin, Intelligent Design, and Freedom of Discovery on Evolutionists’ Holy Day

February 12 used to be universally recognized as the birthday of Abraham Lincoln — a day celebrating freedom. Needing a patron saint, Darwinists in recent years have converted February 12 into “Darwin Day.” There’s nothing wrong with celebrating Darwin’s birthday — if that’s what you really want to do. But in recent years the advocacy of evolution has become increasingly associated with attempts to subvert freedom. To reclaim February 12 for those who love freedom, Discovery Institute and others in the intelligent design (ID) movement are calling February 12, 2009, “Academic Freedom Day” (see To be sure, Darwin supported academic freedom. In On the Origin of Species, he openly discussed weaknesses in his arguments and declared that “a fair result Read More ›

excavation of skeleton
Archaeological excavations.  archaeologist with tools conducts research on human burial, skeleton, skull.
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Intelligent Design Has Scientific Merit in Paleontology

“What one actually found was nothing but discontinuities. All species are separated from each other by bridgeless gaps; intermediates between species are not observed. … The problem was even more serious at the level of the higher categories.”1 Leading 20th Century Evolutionary Biologist Ernst Mayr Intelligent Design has scientific merit in paleontology because the history of life shows a pattern of explosions where new fossil forms come into existence without clear evolutionary precursors, concurring with design theory’s unique ability to explain the abrupt appearance of new ‘fully formed’ body plans.” Intelligent design (ID) has scientific merit in paleontology because in many instances, it can be applied to the fossil record to detect where design has occurred in the history of Read More ›