Casey Luskin Scientist and Public Defender of ID


Science and Faith in Dialogue

The book argues that modern science provides undeniable evidence and a scientific basis for these classical arguments to infer a rationally justifiable endorsement of theism as being concordant with reason and science — nature is seen as operating orderly on comprehensible, rational, consistent laws, in line with the conviction that God is Creator.

The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith

Science and faith are often presented as mutually exclusive, when in reality the scientific evidence provides powerful evidence that life and the universe were designed. The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith: Exploring the Ultimate Questions About Life and the Cosmos features more than 40 entries authored by over 30 qualified experts.

Debating Darwin’s Doubt

Stephen Meyer’s book Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design became a national bestseller, provoking a wide-ranging debate about the adequacy of Darwinian theory to explain life’s history. In Debating Darwin’s Doubt: A Scientific Controversy that Can No Longer Be Denied, leading scholars in the intelligent design community respond to critiques of Meyer’s book and show that the core challenge posed by Meyer remains unanswered.

Discovering Intelligent Design: Workbook

The Discovering Intelligent Design Workbook is one part of a comprehensive curriculum that presents both the biological and cosmological evidence in support of the scientific theory of intelligent design. Developed for middle-school-age students to adults, the full curriculum also includes a textbook and a DVD with video clips keyed to the content of the textbook, as well as an online learning companion with quizzes and mini-lectures. (Note: The textbook and DVD must be purchased separately; this item is the Workbook only.) The Workbook provides review questions, vocabulary questions, and essay questions to enhance the curriculum’s educational value for students. The Workbook also contains inquiry activities to give students hands-on opportunities to learn about intelligent design.

Discovering Intelligent Design

The Discovering Intelligent Design textbook is part of a comprehensive curriculum that presents both the biological and cosmological evidence in support of the scientific theory of intelligent design. Developed for middle-school-age students to adults, the curriculum also includes a workbook with learning activities and a DVD with video clips keyed to the content of the textbook.

Science and Human Origins

Science & Human Origins, the provocative new book from Discovery Institute Press, boldly addresses some of the most popular evolutionary arguments pertaining to controversial claims that humans and apes are related through common ancestry. In Science & Human Origins three scientists challenge the claim that undirected natural selection is capable of building a human being. The authors critically assess fossil and genetic evidence that human beings share a common ancestor with apes, and debunk recent claims that the human race could not have started from an original couple. Multimedia Science and Human Origins

Signature of Controversy

Signature of Controversy is a response to the 2009 bestseller Signature in the Cell by Stephen C. Meyer, a book recognized as establishing one of the strongest pillars underlying the argument for intelligent design. To call Signature in the Cell important is an understatement. The critical response that followed the publication of Stephen Meyer’s book was fascinating, but the fact is that few — if any — of the critics really grappled with the crux of Meyer’s argument or with the substance of intelligent-design theory. This is remarkable and telling.  In Signature of Controversy, defenders of intelligent design analyze the hostile response using the critics’ own writings.  Edited by David Klinghoffer and including essays by David

Intelligent Design 101

Intelligent Design 101 brings together leading scholars and researchers from the fields of science and intelligent design studies, such as Michael Behe and Phillip Johnson. Their detailed and insightful essays form an introduction to intelligent design, from the basics of the theory, to its history and growing place in science and education.

Traipsing Into Evolution

This book offers a detailed critique of federal Judge John E. Jones's decision in the Kitzmiller v. Dover case, the first trial concerning the constitutionality of teaching intelligent design in public schools.

Book Contributions

Casey Luskin, Allan Wilson, Digby Gold, and Axel Hofmann, “The Pongola Supergroup: Mesoarchaean Deposition Following Kaapvaal Craton Stabilization,” in The Archaean Geology of the Kaapvaal Craton, Southern Africa, edited by Alfred Kröner and Axel Hofmann (Springer Nature, 2019), pp. 225-254.

Three chapter contributions to The Harvest Handbook of Christian Apologetics, edited by Joseph Holden (Harvest House, 2019):

  • Casey Luskin, “How Do We Respond to Objections to Intelligent Design?”
  • Casey Luskin, “What are the Top 10 Problems with Evolution?”
  • Steve Meyer and Casey Luskin, “Has the Christian Worldview Impacted the Development of Science?”

Two chapter contributions to Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Theological, and Philosophical Critique, edited by JP Moreland, Stephen Meyer, Chris Shaw, and Wayne Grudem (Crossway, 2017):

  • “Universal Common Descent: A Comprehensive Critique” (Chapter 11)
  • “Missing Transitions: Human Origins and the Fossil Record” (Chapter 14)

Multiple entry contributions to Dictionary of Christianity and Science, edited by Paul Copan, Tremper Longman III, Christopher L. Reese, and Michael G. Strauss (Zondervan, 2017), including:

  • “Co-option”
  • “Dean Kenyon”
  • “DNA” 
  • “Hominid Fossils” 
  • “Just-So Stories” 
  • “Neo-Darwinian Synthesis” 
  • “Pseudogenes”
  • “Punctuated Equilibrium” 
  • “The Mystery of Life’s Origin”

Casey Luskin, “Advocating Intelligent Design with Integrity, Grace, and Effectiveness,” in A New Kind of Apologist, edited by Sean McDowell (Harvest House, 2016).

Multiple chapter contributions to Debating Darwin’s Doubt, edited by David Klinghoffer, (Discovery Institute Press, 2015), including:

  • “Rush to Judgment” (Chapter 3)
  • “How ‘Sudden’ Was the Cambrian Explosion?” (Chapter 6)
  • “Cladistics to the Rescue?” (Chapter 9)
  • “Small Shelly Fossils and the Cambrian Explosion” (Chapter 13)
  • “Darwin Defenders Love Donald Prothero’s Amazon Review” (Chapter 22)
  • “Does the ‘Great Unconformity’ Explain Missing Ancestors?” (Chapter 23)
  • “Hostile Responses Change a Thoughtful Reader” (Chapter 26)
  • “Teamwork: New York Times and Science Offer a Rebuttal” (Chapter 28)
  • “Finding the Designer’s Garbage” (Chapter 31)
  • “Are Biologists Coming to Reject Neo-Darwinian Evolution?” (Chapter 35)
  • “Mistaking Intelligent Design for a God-of-the-Gaps Argument” (Chapter 38)
  • “Among Theistic Evolutionists, No Consensus” (Chapter 41)
  • “Erwin and Valentine: The Cambrian Enigma Unresolved” (Chapter 43)

Casey Luskin, “The Top Ten Scientific Problems with Biological and Chemical Evolution,” in More Than Myth?, edited by Paul D. Brown and Robert Stackpole (Chartwell Press, 2014).

Multiple chapter contributions to The Unofficial Guide to Cosmos: Fact and Fiction in Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Landmark Series, edited by David Klinghoffer (Discovery Institute Press, 2014), including:

  • “Persecuting Science” (Chapter 4)
  • “Flawed History” (Chapter 6)
  • “Slipshod History” (Chapter 7)
  • “Unguided Answers” (Chapter 8)
  • “Science and Christianity” (Chapter 11)
  • “Faraday & Maxwell as Christians” (Chapter 13)
  • “Mozi’s Monotheism” (Chapter 15)
  • “Darwin’s Flowers” (Chapter 16)
  • “A Speck of Sand” (Chapter 18)
  • “Continental Drift” (Chapter 20)
  • Cosmos & Philosophy” (Chapter 22) 
  • “Panspermia” (Chapter 24)
  • “Privileged Planet” (Chapter 27)
  • “Lies as Useful Myths” (Chapter 28)
  • “Materialism for the Masses” (Chapter 29)

Casey Luskin, “Textbooks Are Biased in Favor of Evolution,” chapter in Are Textbooks Biased, edited by Noah Berlatsky (Greenhaven Press—Gale Cengage Learning, 2012).

Casey Luskin, “Smelling Blood in the Water: Why Theistic Evolution Won’t Appease the New Atheists,” in God and Evolution: Protestants, Catholics, and Jews Explore Darwin’s Challenge to Faith, edited by Jay Wesley Richards (Discovery Institute Press, 2010) (Note: God and Evolution was co-awarded a “Book of the Year” award by World Magazine in 2011).

Multiple chapter contributions to in Signature of Controversy: Responses to Critics of Signature in the Cell, edited by David Klinghoffer (Discovery Institute Press, 2010), including:

  • “Every Bit Digital: DNA’s Programming Really Bugs Some ID Critics” (Chapter 9)
  • “Signs of Desperation? Early Responses to Signature in the Cell are Readily Dismissible” (Chapter 17)
  • “Get Smart: Stephen Meyer’s Critics Fail to Show Unintelligent Causes Can Produce Biological Information” (Chapter 18) 
  • “Gotcha! On Checking Stephen Meyer’s Spelling & Other Weighty Criticisms of Signature in the Cell” (Chapter 20)

Casey Luskin, “El Argumento Positive de Diseño,” in Diseño Inteligente: Hacia Un Nuevo Paradigma Científico (Mario A. López, ed., Organización Internacional para el Avance Cientifico del Diseño Inteligente, 2010).

Two entry contributions to in Praeger Handbook of Religion and Education in the United States, edited by James Carper (Greenwood Publishing, 2009):

  • “Intelligent Design”
  • “Creationism”

Two chapter contributions to Intelligent Design 101: Leading Experts Explain the Key Issues, edited by H. Wayne House (Kregel, 2008):

  • “Finding Intelligent Design in Nature” (Chapter 3)
  • Casey Luskin and Logan Paul Gage, “A Reply to Francis Collins’ Darwinian Arguments for Common Ancestry of Apes and Humans” (Appendix)

“Intelligent Design is a Scientific Theory,” chapter in Opposing Viewpoint: World Religion (Thomson Gale, 2006).